Smelling smoke all the time

same problem with the smoke odor.
Q: For about a week, I've been "smelling" smoke when nobody else does-at work, home, non-smoking places
This is a discussion on MedHelp about foul smelling flatulence all time. Community members of MedHelp provide help, support, guidance and discussion around the topic The Platters - All-Time.
with Jennifer Crawford Walker A blessed Good Friday to you, my friends! What are you doing today to wrap your minds and hearts around this tragedy-turned-beauty
foul smelling flatulence all time.
For about a week, I've been "smelling".

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I'm so glad to hear someone else is experiencing the same problem. No answers and no solutions. Yet, I have the same problem. Smelling cigarette smoke in my nose.
Smelling smoke all the time
Smelling smoke all the time
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