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1,375 online chat and text message abbreviations indexed! This Webopedia Quick Reference list of text message and online chat abbreviations will help you translate Pot Leaf Emoticon for Facebook Smiley Face Drugs Smileys, Emoticons, Japanese Smileys,.
Text Messaging, Chat Abbreviations and.
UAB “Ekotermas” Esame granulinių ir grūdinių degiklių gamintojai. Pirmieji Lietuvoje pradėjome gaminti grūdinius degiklius su kuriais galima kūrenti ne tik
Original Bboard Thread in which :-) was proposed. Here is the original message posted by Scott Fahlman on 19 September, 1982:
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An emoticon is a pictorial representation of a facial expression using punctuation marks, numbers and letters, usually written to express a person's feelings or mood.
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Smiley face weed text form
"Joke" Conversation Thread in which the :.
A happy face , smiling face , smiley , or:) is a stylized representation of a smiling humanoid face, commonly occurring in popular culture . It is commonly
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Smiley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia